

This takes into the aspects of microfinancing and some of the activities we undertake here include; VSLAs, and other income generating activities – mobile money transactions, etc. The country’s setting has more people in the rural areas than urban and this requires a stable and sustainable means of living, hence transaction suitable with the lifestyle of the people in the community. This financial access and saving groups act as an anti-poverty vaccine for the people and assists them to achieve income security at the household and community level. We therefore support through encouraging different saving groups at different levels, offering revolving capital fund to each group to access finances equitably, offer both seed fund and startup capital to local initiatives and profit ventures. We also offer workshops and seminars on financial management, succession planning, business management, among other services.

The other aspect we focus on here is vocational skilling offering the following activities; hair dressing & styling, tailoring, carpentry, welding, bricklaying, Knitting, Handcraft production, Bakery, Art and craft etc. These are structured hands-on training that all our trainees undergo so as to have practical, knowledgeable and skills in areas of their specialization. We integrate these trainings with entrepreneurship and small-scale business enterprise management skills to enable the women and youth to start and manage their own business. 


Offering farm inputs, trainings, equipment, market linkage, promotion of the farmer’s products, and running demonstration farms. These are smallholder farmers involved in different farming activities, ranging from vegetables to poultry to livestock farming, at different stages. These usually lack farm inputs, relevant equipment, market knowledge, the value addition required and post-harvest handling. Therefore we do not only support farmers with farm inputs and equipment, but empower them to learn new approaches that are climate-smart and economically viable.